B R O S. Q U A R T E T
Antonio Felipe Belijar
Antonio Felipe Belijar (Madrid 1978) began his musical studies at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid aged seven, graduating with the Honour Prize in Saxophone.
He was awarded several prizes: First Prize at the 2nd International Competition for Young Soloists category B- (under 19 years old), held in Alicante in 1995. First Prize and Special Prize at the 3rd International Competition for Young Soloists (up to the age of 25) in 1996. Second Prize at the 4th International Competition Villa de San Juan (age limit 30 years) moreover, obtaining Special Prize (for best saxophonist below 20). First Prize at the 1st Saxophone CompetitionVilla de Benidorm held in 1999. First Prize at the 14th Music Competition Pacem in Terris (2001), in Bayreuth, Germany. Third Prize and Prix de la Province de Liegè at the 3rd International Competition Adolphe Sax(2002), held in Dinant (Belgium). Second Prize at the 4th International Competition Adolphe Sax (2006), in Dinant (Belgium). First Prize at the 1st Yamaha International Competition for Saxophone Quartet with Octavia saxophone quartet. Second Prize at Pedro Bote Chamber Music Competition (2009) with Octavia saxophone quartet. First Prize at 9th Mirabent I Magrans chamber music competition (2011) with Octavia saxophone quartet. He attended courses given by Claude Delangle, Jean-Marie Londeix, Nobuya Sugawa, Arno Bornkamp, Vincent David, Jean-Denis Michat and Serge Bichon. He has played solo concerts with orchestra in Spain, Germany, Portugal and Belgium. He has performed with orchestras Radio Televisión Española (ORTVE), Orquesta de Cámara Andrés Segovia, Comunidad de Madrid and Schleswig- Holstein Musik Festival Orchester. Conductors he has worked with include David Shallon, Esa-Pekka Saloen, Donald Runnicles and Christoph Eschenbach. In 2005 he collaborated with Karlheinz Stockhausen for the recording of Knabenduett, together with Julien Petit.(cd n. 78 ed. Stockhausen).
Selmer Paris chose him for the 1er Tremplin Jeunes 2002-2003. He regularly gives masterclasses in Spain, Portugal and Italy. Antonio is very interested in violin repertoire and transcribes many of the important works. His transcriptions are always caracterized by a faithfulness to the original, even when the performance requires confidence with the altissimo register. He is member of Octavia Saxophone Quartet, Bros. Quartet and musical director of Sax Antiqua, a group of saxophones specialising in early music repertoire.
He teaches at Conservatorio Superior de Música de Castilla-La Mancha.